Sunday, May 19, 2019


Electric Eel-This is like a fresh water fish of South America,that uses electricity to kill prey,to assist them selves in navigation and moreover for their self defense.

  • Electric eels found in the Amazon and Orinoco rivers and tributaries.

Hereunder is the scientific classification of an Electric eel;
  • COMMON NAME: Electric Eel.
  • SCIENTIFIC NAME: Electrophorus electricus.
  • TYPE: Fish
  • DIET:Carnivore.
  • GROUP NAME:Swarm.
  • SIZE: 6 to 8 feet. 
  • WEIGHT:44 pounds.
The size of an electric Eel is relative to a 6-ft man;
How an electric eel can generate electric pulses through its body;

  • In general,electric eels can emit up to 600 volts in one pulse,although they can double that voltage - up to 1200 volts by curling their bodies around an edible organism.
  • Now that's a forceful shock! But what really poses a threat to larger organism,Including people,aren't volts but amperes - that's the amount of energy in pulse while volts measures the force of that electricity. 
Can electric Eel kill Human being ?; 
  • Large Eels are capable of producing charges of up up to 1 ampere - that's enough to seriously injure or harm a person.
  • keeping electric Eels in captivity is difficult and mostly limited to zoos and aquaria , although a few hobbyists have kept them as pets.
  • How can electric eel be trapped ?
  • How is an electric eel uses it's electric pulses to attack the pray? 
An electric eel produces a small amount of electric pulses so as to help themselves to sense what is around them, But The only generate high voltage electric pulses when they attack the pray electric pulses produced will shock the pray and stop it from moving;
  • Hereunder is narrations of some characteristics of electric Eels;


The walking palms_These are among the Amazon's most unusual plant species that have ability to undergo movement. Within Amazon...